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Scientists warn of unknown ache that predicts a coronary heart attack

 Scientists warn of unknown ache that predicts a coronary heart attack

Doctors in India warned that the warning signs of a heart attack are not limited to the traditional symptoms, including left arm pain and shortness of breath associated with chest pain, but can also be, in certain cases, back pain.

You should not ignore the warnings your body is giving you, Dr. Ruchit Shah, an internist cardiologist at Masina Hospital in Mumbai, can be quite the time to take action or get immediate medical help.But is chest pain, the maximum not unusualplace signal related to a coronary heart attack, the handiest symptom to fear about?
Dr. Shah explains, “A heart attack is a blockage in one of the major heart arteries that can lead to a sudden collapse of the heart or electrical disturbances in the heart that can lead to cardiac arrest. While chest ache is a not unusualplace symptom, you can still revel in ache. Anywhere at the body.It can be in the front, left, or right shoulder, left hand, right hand, upper abdomen, jaw, neck, in the back between the shoulder blades, or anywhere between the chin And the navel, either in front or behind.
Dr Zakia Khan, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Fortis Hospital, Kalyan said that among the Many different caution symptoms and symptoms that someone have to now no longer forget about is extreme lower back pain. And she warned that "only certain types of back pain are indications of cardiac arrest," and according to what the "Indian Express" newspaper reported, "This includes upper back pain, also associated with shoulder pain, or the emergence of new back pain. In addition, the Back ache observed with the aid of using symptoms and symptoms of sweating, fatigue and shortness of breath areuncommon signs of myocardial infarction which, if left untreated, can lead to cardiac arrest.
According to Dr. Khan, "severe upper back pain" that radiates to the chest or arm could be a possibility of an impending heart attack.Surprisingly, the American Heart Association stated that girls are much more likely than guys to reportback pain that occurred before and during a heart attack," she adds. For his part, Dr. Praveen Kulkarni, Chief Cardiologist at Parel Global Hospitals, Mumbai, explains, “Severe back pain can be a manifestation of two heart conditions. One of them is the most common form of heart attack with pain in the center of the chest where some patients suffer from severe back pain.” In addition, intense again ache can occur in aortic dissection, a life-threatening circumstance triggered bythe internal tearing of the aorta, a vessel that carries clean blood to the body. Besides, severe high blood pressure can also cause hematoma in the aorta, so it is necessary to treat it seriously and head to the hospital as soon as possible.” Dr. Kulkarni warned if it is not diagnosed in time, it could lead to death. sudden.
If a person experiences any of the above signs, as a first step in care, one should go to a health facility and have a cardiac evaluation in the form of ECG, ECHO, TMT etc. To rule out cardiac reasons of lower back pain. Doctors generally recommend "regular physical exams and other preventive health care measures, including periodic blood strain tests and diagnostic tests" to assist save you coronary heart issues and spotlight any preventable hazard factors.

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