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Ramadan diet 7 kilos in a week.. An integrated health system

 Ramadan diet 7 kilos in a week.. An integrated health system

Many women and girls are keen on Follow a healthy diet for weight loss In the blessed month, the “Ramadan diet”, therefore, it is necessary to follow specific steps, in order to reach at the end of the month a harmonious and slender body, the “Ramadan diet”, although the month is full of foods with protein and carbohydrates. The “robustiousness” website provides advice when following the Ramadan 2023 diet. 


Ramadan diet 7 kilos in a week

To follow a diet in Ramadan to lose weight in a week, the following can be done:

First day

Breakfast includes a large plate of sautéed vegetables, 2 cucumbers or fruits, and 5 tablespoons of rice.

the second day

For breakfast, 5 tablespoons of rice, 2 pieces of grilled meat, a plate of soup, and 2 fruits are eaten.

The Suhoor meal consists of 1/2 a loaf of bread, a cup of milk tea, 2 carrots, and a slice of Romano cheese.

the third day

Breakfast consists of 3 grilled fish, 1/2 a loaf of bread, and an apple.

As for Suhoor, it consists of 4 tablespoons of cheese, 2 tomatoes, 1 boiled egg, and a loaf of bread.

the fourth day

Breakfast is 1/2 grilled chicken, a plate of cooked vegetables, 5 tablespoons of rice, and a plate of salad.

The fifth day

Breakfast consists of 2 tomatoes, 1/2 a loaf of bread, and a can of tuna.

As for the Suhoor meal, it consists of a boiled egg, a plate of salad, 1/2 a loaf of bread and a cup of tea.

the sixth day

Breakfast consists of 1/4 grilled chicken, 5 tablespoons of pasta, a large plate of salad, and a plate of okra.

Suhoor is a cup of yogurt, 1/2 a loaf of bread, a piece of cottage cheese and 2 cucumbers.

the seventh day

Slices of fish fillet, with a plate of zucchini, 2 fruits of cucumber, 1/4 of a loaf of bread.

Tips when following the Ramadan diet 2023

Meal arrangement

Of the most important Tips when following the Ramadan diet 2023. It is the arrangement of meals and their dates in the month of Ramadan, and you must divide them into 4 meals,

It includes breakfast and two snacks before the pre-dawn meal.

Divide one meal

You should make sure to divide the breakfast meal into stages, so that you start by drinking a cup of water with 3 fruits of dates directly with breakfast.

After that, you must eat any type of appetizer, such as soup or salad, and after a short while, the main type of food is eaten.

Eat healthy food alternatives

You should eat grilled and boiled foods, while avoiding foods that contain fats and sugars.

Which significantly increases weight.

Drink enough water

It is important to drink sufficient amounts of water before eating any meal as it increases the feeling of satiety.

 Adopting an integrated healthy diet

You must follow a healthy diet that contains all the nutrients the body needs, as it is important that it contains meat or fish, starches, fruits, vegetables, fat-free dairy products, and foods that contain healthy fats.

 Eat foods rich in fiber

It is also important to rely on foods that contain complex carbohydrates, as they are also rich in healthy fibers that increase the feeling of satiety and fullness for a long time. Among the types of complex carbohydrates are brown rice, oats and bulgur.

Tips for a diabetic patient's breakfast in Ramadan.. Cabbage soup is necessary

Replace candy with fruit

You should replace sweets with different types of fruits, and you can also eat dried fruits and nuts in small quantities.

Reduce caffeine throughout the day

It is important Avoid caffeinated drinks Including soft drinks and coffee.

It is considered a diuretic, which leads to a rapid loss of water from the body and affects it during fasting.

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